Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Holiday Chocolate Bark

I am not usually the type of gal that likes nuts and other things in my chocolate, but this boy oh boy is this good, and it makes a perfect gift, or easy fun treat to bring to your next holiday party.


Dark chocolate chips
Chopped pistachios
Dried cranberries
Coconut flakes
Sea salt (optional)


  • Shuck pistachios from shells, and chop nuts (lightly) in a food processor. If you don't have a food chopper... try sticking them in a sealed Ziploc bag and roll with a rolling pin, or mash with mallet until crushed.
  • Chop or cut cranberries into smaller pieces too.
  • Melt chocolate chips ( I added a little coconut oil to the pan to prevent burning the chocolate) - you can also use a double boiler.
  • Cover cookie sheets with wax paper.
  • Pour melted chocolate onto wax paper, and spread it evenly and thinly - about 1/8 inch thick.
  • OPTIONAL : Grind a little Celtic sea salt or Himalayan salt on top. (salt and chocolate is actually really good)
  • Sprinkle pistachios, cranberries, and coconut over the chocolate.
  • Place cookie sheet in refrigerator to harden.
  • Once the chocolate has hardened you can cut or break into pieces.


Thursday, November 17, 2011

Being Thankful

I am now 38 weeks pregnant and starting to feel a bit like a stuffed turkey with all the fixings.... how apporpriate as Thanksgiving is just around the corner!

My back aches, my feet hurt, I am not sleeping well, my pants are tight, I have to pee every 5 seconds, and I can't seem to ever get comfortable. It easy to focus on all the things that I don't like right now, but in the spirit of THANKSgiving I have been trying to remind myself all I have to be thankful for instead of focusing on the negative.

Once you start having an attitude of gratitude, it is amazing how you can be happier and healthier.

Gratitude is the simple act of being grateful/ thankful, is more than just a feeling, and only works when you are actually truly feeling grateful for something.

When we express and feel gratitude, we can actually change our vibration and that is when we start attracting more of what we want in our lives.

Like attracts like, so what ever your feeling.... joy, anger, love, distress, or gratitude, we create an energetic force that will always attract circumstances that parallel how we are feeling.

It is not always easy to get to a place of feeling grateful, but in a world where the only thing we actually have control over is our thoughts... it is important that we try to chose the best possible thoughts at all times, and being grateful helps us be in the flow of accepting all the love and gifts the universe has to offer.

Sound Deep? It is, but it doesn't have to be complicated, or mean that you have to be in denial when things don't go the right way! Stop for a minute and think of some simple things you are grateful/ thankful for and notice how your mood, energy and vibration changes.

Even though I am feeling a bit uncomfortable, I am grateful for a healthy growing baby, and a big belly that provided a fun evening of painting and bonding with my 4 yr old son, Evan!

Happy Thanksgiving! What are you thankful for?

Monday, November 14, 2011

Chia Seed Kombucha

A few weeks ago I was shopping at my local health food store when I noticed a new version of GT's Kombucha for sale in the cooler. I love GT's Gingerade and Multi-Green Kombucha, so when I saw the chia seed version, I knew I had to give this nutritionally power packed drink a try.

Chia Seeds are filled with fiber, protein, minerals, vitamins, omega's and antioxidants, and I use them frequently in my smoothies. Kombucha is a fermented "tea" that aids in digestion, boots immunity, is filled with healthy probiotics, cleansing, and energy boosting!

Combine these two super ingredients you have a super nutritious elixir, but I was still a bit skeptical, not because of my doubt of the health benefits... but because.... it looked a little gross to be honest. My curiosity outweighed my hesitation and I bought the raspberry version and gave it a whirl.

My thoughts?
Well, at first there was that slight fizz (as to be expected with kombucha) but not as much as usual. As I took my first sip I closed my eyes, held my breath, and prepared for the worst. It was a little fizzy, a tiny bit tart, kinda chewy, and a bit of a slippery texture.

Sounds disgusting right?

I wasn't sure what to think at first - it was all new, and my senses where a little thrown, but after my 3rd or 4th sip I was kind of digging it, and the tapioca like texture.

Unlike the other bottles of kombucha, which I can finish soon after opening, I had to stop about halfway though the chia seed version because it is quite filling.

Although I will probably stick to the non-chia versions for the most part when I purchase kombucha, I encourage you to try this elixir and see what you think for yourself.

When I first tried the regular kombucha I wasn't an instant fan.... yet I kept drinking it, acquired a taste, and actually ended up loving it.  I am certainly going to give the chia seed kombucha a few more tries, and I just may end up hooked on this new drink too!

Have you already tried it? What did you think?

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Quinoa stuffed squash

Fall has so many great foods to offer, and if you haven't already.... stuff a squash! It is easy, tasty, and good for you if you stuff it with the right stuff.
I stumbled across a recipe for quinoa stuffed acorn squash, and adapted it to make it a bit easier as I don't like to spend too much time in the kitchen.

Here is the recipe:

Quinoa Stuffed Squash

1 acorn squash
1 tbsp coconut oil (olive oil works too)
1 tsp maple syrup
1/4 cup raisins
1/4 cup sliced almonds 
Sea salt & pepper to taste
1 cup quinoa

Optional extras for flavor:
chopped onion, garlic, mushrooms

Pre-heat oven to 400 degrees

Cut acorn squash in half, and scoop out seeds
Coat squash halves with oil, maple syrup drizzle, salt & pepper, and fill with almonds and raisins. Bake for about 1 hour or until soft when pierced by a fork.

Cook quinoa 

If you are adding extra veggies... saute them in a little oil until tender, add them to cooked quinoa, and mix thoroughly. 

When squash is cooked, remove from oven and carefully, and add a scoop of quinoa. Use fork to scrape some of the squash from the edges, and mix with the quinoa until you have a nice mixture of squash, almonds, raisins and quinoa!


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Healthier Halloween... tricks to avoid too many treats!

Halloween is great!  You get to dress up, attend festive parties, and can be loads of fun, but it is also a time when we can go overboard on treating ourselves with those cute mini candies that seem innocent and small, but who eats just one?

Halloween doesn't have to = eating loads of candy. There are plenty of other ways to enjoy the holiday without over indulging in sweets - think pumpkin carving, bobbing for apples, haunted houses, and costume parties with healthy fall foods!

Nobody really wants to be the one who ends up sneaking candy from their kids loot, eating 10-20 mini candies at a time for an afternoon pick me up, and left feeling sluggish, overweight, tired and craving more sugar.

This season I have a few suggestions to keep you happy, healthy and feeling good.

Candy, Candy, Candy....

  • If you are going to hand out candy, buy something that you don't particularly like. For me, being a chocolate lover, I would be less likely to dig into the candy bowl if it was filled with things like skittles, or smarties (although once upon a time I did love those).
  • Even better hand out something besides candy. I personally feel awful about contributing to kids eating mass amounts of junk candy, so I like to pick things as an alternative to hand out, and I am NOT talking boxes of raisins becasue nobody like getting that. I am talking about fun stickers, temporary tattoos, or glow sticks - those are all fun non-food items that kids actually like. For upgraded treats try organic lollipops (made w/o HFCS and artificial colors/ flavors) - Yummy Earth has a selection of "better" candy.
  • A little sweet treat can be great, don't deny yourself totally - buy a dark organic chocolate bar for your private stash. When you have a better version to chose from you can enjoy a sweet treat, and it will be easier to pass on the mini snickers bars.


No one likes to be the parent that says "no"to trick-or-treating fun, but kids don't have to suffer from sugar shock.

  • Before going out to knock on doors make sure your whole family fills up on a nutritious balanced dinner. Once bellies are filled with good food there is and less room or desire to eat too much candy while you are out.
  • When you come home, allow kiddos to pick a 3-5 pieces to enjoy that night, and then put the rest away. You can then either allow a certain number each day, OR
  • Have you heard of the pumpkin fairy who comes and collects candy on Halloween night and in exchange for all the candy leaves  a cool toy behind? Kind of like the tooth fairy and works great with younger kids.  For bigger kids that won't buy the pumpkin fairy... they will probably be happy to trade in candy for some cash, so buy it off them! Here is where you have to make sure you give or throw away the candy... don't take away from the kids to only to eat it all yourself

Happy Halloween! Do you have any healthy suggestions to share?

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

One step at a time

I have been feeling totally overwhelmed with cleaning lately. Have you ever been lacking motivation, feeling overwhelmed, and not knowing where to start? Well, that has been me for the last week and each day I kept getting more frustrated as I looked around and saw everything that needed to be cleaned, organized, or put away. With life feeling a little cluttered and me feeling a bit stressed I observed that my eating habits were not the best, and I was not feeling inspired to make much of anything for dinner.

What can you do when you feel stuck in a rut?

The only way that ends up working for me is to start small, tackle one thing at a time,  and then before you know it I am vacuuming, cleaning the sink, organizing paperwork, clearing off my dining room table (which often ends up being the dumping ground for lots of papers and mail), and inspired to make an easy fall supper that the whole family enjoyed.

I have been reminded of a few things through this process.

1.  When you want to make a big change, remember the steps it takes to get there. For me wanting to have a clean home I needed to start small... organize my junk drawer and shoe rack one day, do laundry another day etc... Each time I felt accomplished and motivated enough to complete a small task, and ready to do a little more the next day.

2. When we feel overwhelmed, and our home environment feels cluttered or not organized then it has a huge impact on the foods that we chose to eat. If our life feels chaotic, chances are we might not be making the healthiest food choices which in return leaves us feeling more run down and unmotivated.

3. It's all connected! When one thing is lacking it can effect other aspects of our lives for sure.

So.... if you are feeling overwhelmed with cleaning, cooking meals, eating healthy or making time to exercise, remember to start small, build your confidence and your motivation and before you know it, things fall right into place and it all becomes easier and more manageable and almost effortless like a waterfall flowing down the mountainside.

Is there something that might be overwhelming you? What small step can you take to start tackling your goal and get things flowing the right way again.

Be Well,

Healthy cookies? Is there such a thing?

I don't think I would say cookies are healthy, but it is certainly possible to make them healthier, and I discovered a pretty good version when my 4yr old came running home from playing at the neighbors, pleading with me to make cookies.  His friend next door was making a batch at his house, and of course he wanted to do it too.
I agreed, and decided it would be a fun challenge to see what kind of healthier cookie we could come up with quickly, using only ingredients which we had on hand.
I am not a baker, but knew I needed flour, oil, eggs (or something to hold them together),  some sort of sweetener, and of course something yummy for flavor.
Turns out that we ended up with a great cookie that my son and husband both liked, and I of course felt great because they were packed with whole grains and had no white sugar.

Win, Win!

So here is the recipe:

Whole Grain (Chocolate, Banana, Coconut, Cranberry) Cookies
( I chose banana, coconut and cranberries because those are my favorite, and always have them on hand, however you could certainly add chopped nuts, raisins etc...)

1/2 cup spelt flour
3/4 cup whole wheat flour
3/4 cup teff flour
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 banana (sliced)
2 eggs
3/4 -1 cup Sucanat
1/2 cup grain sweetened chocolate chips
1/4 cup dried cranberries
1/2 cup coconut flakes
12-13 tbsp coconut oil

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

  1. In a pan heat the coconut oil over med heat so it melts, add Sucanat, and sliced bananas and stir them all together until melted and melded, and banana slices are soft.
  2. In a mixing bowl combine flour, and baking soda. Add oil/sugar/ banana mix, and then mix in eggs. Stir/ fold in chocolate chips, coconut and cranberries. (Our sugar/ oil mix was still so warm that it melted our c.chips giving our cookies a chocolate flavor and darker color, but no chunks - if you wanted your chips whole, try waiting for batter to cool slightly before adding them).
  3. Spoon scoops of batter onto a coconut oil greased cookie sheet and cook for about 15 min.
  4. Let cool and enjoy!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Massaged Kale Salad!

curly kale growing in my garden
Greens are nutritionally high in calcium, magnesium, folic acid, iron, potassium, vitamins A, C, E & K, and packed with fiber, chlorophyll, and other micro nutrients.

Kale one of my favorites and is like the "mother-load" of healthy greens as far as I am concerned. If you don't already know this about me then you should.... I LOVE eating food that is good for me, but it has to taste good too, so when I create or find a recipe to adapt, it has to be palatable.

Here is a great raw kale salad recipe, I hope you enjoy it!

A few easy tips to make raw kale more enjoyable;

  1. Remove stems.
  2. Roll leaves together and then cut into small, thin pieces.
  3. Massage dressing into kale leaves and let it marinate so flavor has time to really get into the leaves.

5-6 cups of finely chopped kale (curly or flat leaf)
1 avocado
2-3 tbs olive oil
1 tbs lemon juice
1 sm clove chopped garlic
sea salt and pepper to taste
1 sm green apple sliced thinly
1 handful of raisins
1 handful of sliced almonds or pine nuts
1 large carrot sliced
1 scallion chopped thinly (green only)
1 handful fresh chopped mint


  1. Place chopped kale in large bowl with avocado, olive oil, lemon, garlic and salt. Massage avocado and other dressing ingredients into the leaves very well. Don't be afraid of getting your hands in there and really mix it all  together for about 3-4 min. The avocado dressing should be like a paste.
  2. Chop/ slice all other ingredients while kale is marinating.
  3. Add all other ingredients to the dressed kale, mixing well, so everything gets coated.
  4. Chill in refrigerator for 15 min and enjoy!

Move that body!

Exercise has always been a bit of a struggle for me, not becasue I don't like it, but becasue I often found excuses why not to go, I got bored with my routine, or I wasn't motivated to do anything by myself.

I know how important it is for our health to be physically active, I coach my clients on ways to get motivated and get into a regular routine, however I still find myself going through periods of time where I am doing a whole lot of nothing and having a hard time getting myself moving again. The last two weeks of August were just that for me, and I am working hard to get back into the exercise mode again.

For 8 weeks this summer (4 mornings a week) I was thrilled to be part of JourneyFit Bootcamp - an AMAZING group of gals (and two brave men) lead by an inspiring, talented and wonderful trainer, Allyson Neilson.
I was honored to be part of the group and each day share health, nutrition and wellness tips with the group as we circled up and cooled down after an great workout.
I was amazed how much I actually liked pushing myself to run a little further, try a little harder, and find my "strong" - esp. while being pregnant.
Here I am doing an incline pushup while 5 months pregnant. Before we started I could barely push myself up off the ground. -->

Working out felt fun (even though not always easy) for those two months becasue I loved being part of a group, and being lead by an teriffic coach. I was even motivated to keep going after bootcamp ended which felt awesome. Then life got busy, we had visitors, and I found myself not making time to exercise, and not feeling motivated to do much of anything by myself.

This past week I have made more of an effort, and feel better, but would like to do more especially as my belly continues to grow. Sometimes life gets hard, we get stressed, depressed, or tired, and it sometimes feels easier to let our healthy eating or exercise routine slip. I am here to admit I know first hand how that is.

Sooooo, as I get my butt back in gear there are a couple of things that I know will help me get back on track. These are things that over the years I have discovered about myself when it comes to exercise.

  1. I don't do well working out by myself, so I need a class or buddy to keep me going.
  2. There has to be a fun element to my workout or I get bored easily.
  3. It is helpful to have a set or scheduled time set aside ahead of time so I know what and when I will be exercising.
  4. With my current lifestyle I usually do better by getting my workout in sometime in the morning.

Do you struggle with exercise, or do you have a routine you love and keep up no matter what?

If you do struggle but feel ready to get back in the swing (like me) sit down and do the following:

  1. Find a buddy or class if you are like me and know you won't do much if left by yourself
  2. Figure out when you will exercise, and schedule it in your calendar.
  3. Start off easy and do things that don't overwhelm you especially if you are just starting out.
I'd love to hear from you - share your goals, successes, or workout tips below. I could use the inspiration and motivation too!

Baby on board!

For those of you that don't already know, I have some exciting and life changing news!  I am pregnant... expecting our second child! It was a bit of a surprise, but we are all excited to meet the new baby boy who is due to arrive in about 12-13 weeks.

I was recently remembering that four years ago I was enormously pregnant with my son, Evan (who was born the end of September), and how miserable I was. I had gained 60+ lbs with Evan (who was only roughly 7 of those lbs), and even though I was happy to have incubated a healthy and beautiful baby, the weight gain was not only physically uncomfortable; it was emotionally hard for me too.
The weight came off so slowly that I questioned if I would be able to do it again especially if it meant that I would have to put on those extra baby making lbs. This may sound vein, but the truth is; body image and weight loss are things that I struggled with since I was 14yrs old, and baby or no baby, it is difficult when you feel heavy and uncomfortable in your own clothes and skin.

When I discovered I was pregnant this time I initially panicked at the thought of being heavy, but reminded myself that there are a few things I have learned, and could now do differently to feel good, no matter what size I was.
  1. Love my body regardless, and appreciate how well it provides a growing space for my most precious cargo, AND not compare myself with any other pregnant women and their weight gain, or loss.
  2.  Move my body, even if it is only 30 min a day. A little exercise and movement really helps to physically keep the baby and me healthy. I didn't exercise very much through my first pregnancy, and this time I am moving more, and feeling physically and mentally much better.
  3. Continue to eat clean whole foods and lots of veggies, but also not to beat myself up for enjoying summer treats like ice cream! *
While thinking about these 3 things that have helped me tremendously throughout the last 6 months, I thought about how loving our bodies more, moving our bodies, and eating real food are all important, pregnant or not.

I believe all of these things  have helped me tremendously during this pregnancy. I am currently 27 weeks, and happy to say that I weigh now the same as I did at only 19 weeks with my first pregnancy. I am feeling great, and hope that that continues as I enter into my 3rd and last trimester!

I look forward to sharing more with you over the next few weeks and before you know it I will be announcing our newest addition!

*(It is important to note that even though I may have had my fair share of treats, I believe that being pregnant shouldn't mean that you eat as much and whatever you want. It is crucial in my opinion, while growing another life; we eat the best foods possible.)

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Great things to grow, green thumb not needed!

Do you garden? What do you like to grow? Even if you have never grown anything before there are some super simple things you can grow even if you don't have a yard, AND it really is not too late to get started.

MMM... fresh basil -
this was from my little garden last year!
You don't have to have a yard to plant a garden. Planting in a container on your deck, or even small pots on your window sill is great. 
I have never considered myself a "green thumb" but I learn a little more each year and there are a few things that I have pretty much always been able to successfully grow by just remembering to water, so if I can do it.... anyone can!

Here are my favorite's and great to grow in any garden:

Sun Gold Tomato
As I mentioned before... these sweet, juicy orange tomatoes arethe perfect addition to salad, homemade salsa, bruscetta, or eaten on their own right off the vine. You can pick up a plant already started at a local nursery and plant somewhere sunny and remember to water. Getting a tomato cage to keep the plant supported helps to keep it off the ground. They even have those handy upside down tomato planting pots that you can hang and the tomato plant grows down.


Here is something that you can buy a seed packet off and sprinkle into your potting soil or garden very easily and pretty quickly have lettuce... mixed greens, romaine, butter leaf... so delish in a summer salad.


Basil, parsley, cilantro, rosemary, and mint are all wonderful things to have on hand to liven up and meal or even drink. They are easy to plant (especially great if you are container gardening) and for the most part easy to care for. Watch out for mint though... once you plant that in the ground... look out every year it will keep coming back and filling in everywhere. I actually have this problem as the original owners of our house planted mint and every year I am pulling gobbs of it out and giving it away. 

Edible Flowers
How fun is it to toss some flowers in your salad, or pretty up your plate with flowers that you can actually eat! Nastiriums are pretty in the garden and great to add to any meal as decoration or for flavor with a bit of a peppery taste.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Drink up, stay hydrated!

We need water. Our bodies are made of about 70% water and all of our systems and vital organs require it to function.  Water carries nutrients to all of our cells, flushes toxins from our kidneys, removes waste from our bowels, aids in our digestion, regulates our temperature, and lubricates our joints.

Not getting enough water can cause headaches, constipation, dry skin, fatigue, and even water retention because your body will hold the little it is getting.

So why are most Americans not drinking enough?
Well, first off our brains can’t decipher if we are hungry or thirsty, so when our body it telling us to drink water we might misinterpret that message and snack on something instead. Usually if we start to feel thirsty then our body is most likely already dehydrated, so don’t wait until that point to get a glass of water instead try to continually drink water so you don’t get to that point and start feeling the false hunger pains.

What are benefits of drinking water?

1. Loose Weight:  Drinking water can help you loose weight by crowding out the consumption of other fluids like juice and soda that are packed with sugar and calories, it flushes the system of toxins and waste including fat, prevents you from over eating, aids in digestion and keeps your metabolism going.
2. Look Younger: Water hydrates, revitalizes, and detoxifies your skin and helps to keep wrinkles away and keeping its elasticity. It also lubricates your joints and tissues keeping your body limber.
3. Helps you Concentrate: The brain is mostly water, so making sure you are getting enough keeps your brain functioning so you feel sharp and alert not foggy or weary.
4. Fresh Breath: Dry mouths are breeding grounds for bad bacteria that cause bad breath, so drinking a glass of water can keep your mouth moist and breath sweet.

How to stay hydrated? 

1. Drink a full glass of water when you first wake up in the morning. This will help get your blood flowing and set the intention for the day to keep drinking water.

2. Carry water with you…. If you have it with you then you are more likely to drink it. Use a safe re-usable water bottle and refill it with filtered or spring water.

3. Don’t wait till you are thirsty to drink water

4. Drink a glass of water a half hour before and after meals

5. Replace other beverages like soda, juice, tea and coffee with a glass of water.

6. Drink extra water before, during and after exercise especially on a hot day or when sweating a lot.

How much should you drink? 

There are different theories but according to Dr. Batmanghelidj who wrote the book ‘Your Body’s Many Cries For Water’, you should take your body weight in pounds, divide it in half and drink that amount in ounces everyday. (For instance if you weigh 150lbs then you should drink 75oz of water each day.)  Dr. B also notes that you should make sure to balance your sodium intake with your water consumption and take ¼ tsp salt for every 4-5 glasses of water. Be sure to get the best of course… Celtic Sea Salt or Himalayan Salt are the best and available at health food stores. (note: healthy salt is usually not white)

Is all water created equal?

The best water to drink is pure, natural, clean spring water full of natural minerals, but you can also buy a high quality filtration system that removes chlorine and harmful pollutants and chemicals found in tap water.
You may also want think twice about bottled water because 1. toxins leach from the plastic bottles 2. it is often only purified municipal water that you are buying, and 3. the resources used to purify, bottle and ship water is wasteful when you can get it from a pure source to begin with.

Plain water sound boring to you?

Mix it up a little... fill a pitcher and add... lemon, lime or orange slices, fresh mint, cucumber, or one herbal tea bag.

Some of my favorites are:

  • Fresh mint (already coming up in my garden) and lime
  • Lemon and a little cinnamon 
  • Lemon and a few drops of stevia
  • Pressed ginger, lemon and a little stevia
  • Frozen berries or pineapple chunks
  • Lemon and a little edible lavender

Be cautious of flavored, enriched or infused water… some are packed with high fructose corn syrup or other sugar and high in calories.

Have fun…make it festive by sipping it out of a wine glass with a little ice instead of an evening cocktail… it doesn’t have to be boring!

If you don’t have one already I recommend buying an eco-friendly reusable water bottle and a good filtration system, help save the earth and drink up.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Spring Cleaning, it's not just for your floors!

I'll admit it - I save too much stuff. I have been one of those people that accumulates, saves and holds on to stuff even if it doesn't serve me on a daily basis becasue it holds a fond memory, or think that I might someday need it and it will come in handy some day down the road. The problem with holding on to "stuff" is the more you hold on the more you are cluttering up your space and preventing new things from entering.

Last spring my we finally went through a lot of our old stuff and things in storage and had a big yard sale.  I wish I had a video of my husband and I going through things to put in our sale becasue it ended up being a comedy act watching me hold on to stuff. I was actually reluctant to give up my collection of music tapes and VHS videos even though I no longer had a tape player or a VCR to listen or watch them on. The truth is over the last year I haven't once wished I still owned them, and now happy to think that somebody else might have got some joy from watching some of my favorite movies or evening listening to an old tape. It felt great to let go and clear out some things from my past that were not serving me, and made room for new things that I actually do use.  It is amazing how tight we can hold on to something

Do you hold on to things? 
Are you feeling stuck or stagnant? 
Are you ready for to renew yourself?
Yes? You just might be ready from some spring cleaning!

Spring cleaning our homes is a common theme this time of year, and even though it is sometimes hard work the feeling at the end is worth the little bit of effort for a short period of time. The energy shifts and we too feel lighter when we clear out the stuff that is weighing us down emotionally or visually (the piles of stuff we have been looking at all winter).

Just as the stuff around our homes can accumulate and start to clutter our space, the food we eat also accumulates in our bodies causing us to feel sluggish, tired, and heavy, AND just as we need to clear out our homes we also need to clear out our bodies. Spring is the perfect time to clear out the accumulated food waste and weight that have built over the winter and to a cleanse. I recommend a simple whole foods cleanse program, but there are many other types of protocols to choose from... like a raw foods, or juice cleanse, or even a liquid fast. They are all meant to clear out waste, improve your digestion,  and have other great benefits like improved energy, clearer skin, weight loss, ditching cravings, and jump starting a healthy new way of eating.
Like the house cleaning, a cleanse is a short lived period of time where you put in a little effort and get a lot in return.

I encourage you to take part in cleaning not only your home this spring, but also your body and mind too - even better do all three! Renew yourself - you deserve it!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Go Green - Smoothie

Green Smoothie
Spring is coming and we naturally tend to want to eat more greens. Any easy way to get your daily intake of greens is to make a green smoothie. Nutritious and delicious!
1 cup coconut milk
1/2 cup coconut water
1/4 cup shredded coconut
1/2 banana (fresh/frozen)
1/3 cup pineapple
1 large handful of baby spinach
1-2 kale leaves
3-4 large organic strawberries(fresh/ frozen)
1/4 avocado
1/2 cup of ice (optional if you didn't have frozen fruit and like it cold)

Blend all together and enjoy!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Monday, March 7, 2011

What makes your heart sing?

I received an email the other day from a friend sharing a song that she had recorded. How cool is that!  I especially loved the song she picked from Ryan Adams (gave me a warm fuzzy flash back of when my husband and I first started dating), and how effortlessly she sang this song giving it her own style. I could tell that singing was something that spoke to her soul, and I started to wonder.... what am I doing to make my heart and soul sing?

Do you know what I mean? We all have certain things that ignite passion, creativity and purpose,  and when we do that something we feel inspired, recharged and nurtured on a deep level.

It is easy to let everyday life..... kids, cooking, cleaning, appointments, work etc... get in the way of making time to do the thing that would most benefit us, but I am working on re-prioritizing that.

I feel lucky to have a profession that I LOVE, and I work on a daily basis to make sure I am nourishing myself with non-food things like.... exercise, spending time with girlfriends, going for a walk, listening to music, or going to the movies (I love going to the movies). All these things are great and help to keep me in balance, but when I heard the song it triggered a feeling that something was missing.
I started brainstorming to figure out what things spark a light within me, and then asked myself why I am not doing it?

Here is what I came up with:
one of my fav past projects...
my version of a chakra system
 made using an old
Georgia O'Keeffe calendar
I love creating and doing art work... painting, collage, or really any design. I lived in art classes in high school, studied graphic design in college, but have let my need for perfection and "lack of time" allow me to loose sight of the enjoyment I get just thinking about, working on, and creating a project.
I need to do more artwork! 
This came clear to me recently when I started to become a little obsessed while coloring with my 3 year old son - I had so much fun with crayons that I didn't want to stop, and insisted that he please let me finish the page before we did anything else.

My goal is to start making time to work on something... whether it is cutting up an old calendar and making a collage (an old favorite), buying some new paints and brushes and starting a painting, or trying something new that I haven't done before..... perhaps I'll take a class!

What makes your heart sing?  Singing, writing, dancing, creating, running, riding, boating, helping, gardening, building.... the possibilities are endless.  Are you doing it?

Share in comments... I would love to hear from you!

Friday, January 14, 2011

A Little Taste of Thai

In an attempt to add more variety to our evening family meals, and remind my darling husband that I CAN make food that is not only good for you, but also tastes good too; I've been trying a few new recipes this week.

My goal was to keep my grocery list the same, and use a lot of the same ingedients in meals, but have them taste very different without having to go out and buy special spices and such.

One of my favorite types of food is Thai... especially if it is made with fresh whole ingredients, so I decided I would use up the big bunch of quickly wilting basil from my fridge and make:

Thai Basil Chicken
tasted better then this photo shows 
It was quite delicious if I do say so myself, and super easy to make. I always use whatever I have on hand, in this case, I only had wild rice in my pantry which was a good base, but I think plain brown rice would have been even better.

4 chicken breasts or boneless thighs (skinless and cut into strips)
1 tbl coconut oil
1/2 tsp red chili pepper flakes (more if you like it spicy)
1 med onion, finely chopped
2 cloves of garlic, minced
1 cup chopped cabbage
1 cup chopped basil
1/4 cup chopped cilantro
1 1/2 tbl fish sauce
3/4 cup coconut milk or cream

1 cup rice (rinse and cook with 2 cups of water ahead of time)


  • Heat oil in a stir fry pan, or wok. Add onions and garlic and cook for a couple minutes (until onions are translucent).
  • Add chicken strips and cook for about 5 min or until the chicken is cooked through. Add chopped cabbage and cook 5 more minutes.
  • Add the remaining ingredients: basil, cilantro, fish sauce and pepper flakes, and stir all together while cooking for another minute.
  • Finally, add the coconut cream/ milk and cook for yet another 5 min until sauce has reduced a little (stirring a few times)
  • Serve over a scoop or rice and garnish with slice of lime or sprig of cilantro. You could easily serve over soba or rice noodles as well.

It was a hit with the whole family, and I will be making it again for sure! Another great example of how great tasting food doesn't have to be complicated, or take a lot or time or skill to make.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Fresh Start Re-Boot Program

Did you merrily eat and drink your way through the holiday season, but now ready to break free from your post holiday slump and weight gain?

Are you ready to get take the new year as an opportunity to get a fresh start and re-boot your mind and body?

Well, I've got a a program from you that will help you:

  • Lose that holiday weight gain & belly fat
  • Feel energized
  • Ditch the sugar cravings
  • Jump start a healthier new you for 2011

Hit the reset button on your metabolism and have more energy to do the things you love! 

Here is what your fresh start 3 week program will look like:

3 weekly  telelclasses (all classes will be recorded and emailed to you, so no worries if you can't make it live)

Week One:  starting Jan 27, 2011
purify and cleanse, and start creating a new routine

Week Two:  
establish new healthier habits, and begin building momentum

Week Three:
set new goals, kick start a healthy new balanced program that will keep you going all year long

Participate from ANYWHERE!

This program is designed for those that REALLY want to make the commitment to themselves and make a change! If you are ready, don't wait another minute!

Along with the three recorded teleclasses all participants also receive:

  • Action Guide with recipes 
  • Basic whole foods cleanse plan 
  • 21 daily inspirational emails 
  • 24/7 online support from a members only forum 

Keep motivated and get help making the changes you want to see for yourself in 2011. 

Ready for a FRESH START? 
Join NOW... and you won't have to be wishing come spring time that you had made the investment in yourself! 

To make it a no-brainer I have made it super affordable for everyone that joins before Jan 21, 2011

Register NOW for only $97


* To allow the price to be so low there is a minimum of 6 people required for the group to go... so share with your friends!