Monday, November 14, 2011

Chia Seed Kombucha

A few weeks ago I was shopping at my local health food store when I noticed a new version of GT's Kombucha for sale in the cooler. I love GT's Gingerade and Multi-Green Kombucha, so when I saw the chia seed version, I knew I had to give this nutritionally power packed drink a try.

Chia Seeds are filled with fiber, protein, minerals, vitamins, omega's and antioxidants, and I use them frequently in my smoothies. Kombucha is a fermented "tea" that aids in digestion, boots immunity, is filled with healthy probiotics, cleansing, and energy boosting!

Combine these two super ingredients you have a super nutritious elixir, but I was still a bit skeptical, not because of my doubt of the health benefits... but because.... it looked a little gross to be honest. My curiosity outweighed my hesitation and I bought the raspberry version and gave it a whirl.

My thoughts?
Well, at first there was that slight fizz (as to be expected with kombucha) but not as much as usual. As I took my first sip I closed my eyes, held my breath, and prepared for the worst. It was a little fizzy, a tiny bit tart, kinda chewy, and a bit of a slippery texture.

Sounds disgusting right?

I wasn't sure what to think at first - it was all new, and my senses where a little thrown, but after my 3rd or 4th sip I was kind of digging it, and the tapioca like texture.

Unlike the other bottles of kombucha, which I can finish soon after opening, I had to stop about halfway though the chia seed version because it is quite filling.

Although I will probably stick to the non-chia versions for the most part when I purchase kombucha, I encourage you to try this elixir and see what you think for yourself.

When I first tried the regular kombucha I wasn't an instant fan.... yet I kept drinking it, acquired a taste, and actually ended up loving it.  I am certainly going to give the chia seed kombucha a few more tries, and I just may end up hooked on this new drink too!

Have you already tried it? What did you think?

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this stuff! I, too was skeptical, pondering the funky texture of this beverage, and it took me a whole day of sipping to drink most of the first bottle I bought, but then a day or 2 later, I craved it…I got another bottle, and so a new habit?addiction?was born! because it’s so expensive I have to limit myself to 2 or 3 bottles a week, maybe 4 if they’re on sale (I’ve got them 2 for 6.00).
    and the best part, I’m going to experiment with brewing my own and see how it compares. I already brew my own kombucha tea, I can get raw chia seeds and some juice…how hard can it be?
    but till then…I’ll pick these up every week!
