About Courtney

Hello, I am Courtney Lanphere and first and for most I am a loving mother and wife, and I am also a Holistic Health & Nutrition Coach.
I decided to become a health counselor to fulfill my passion of working with individuals to improve their health and wellness. My goal is to assist my clients to increase their energy, reduce cravings, lose weight, eat intuitively, and create a better balance in their lives. 

With thanks to my family I have a lifetime of exposure to complementary health and wellness and the healing arts.  These early experiences are the foundation of my path. In my teens I began studying Reiki as a means of self-healing, which lead me to the awareness of my desire to help others. I attended the Monterey Institute of Massage in California,  to study massage therapy. It was then, working as a massage therapist, that I became fully aware of just how much I enjoyed supporting people on their path to well-being. 

Over the years I have been conscience of “eating well” but have been affected by the distorted “Hollywood” image of beauty and always felt the need to lose ten more lbs. I have tried numerous diets along the way, but I realized one primary reason that diets I tried failed, was the absence of support and understanding to help me discover why I craved to eat lots of food that I knew wasn't the best for me....sugar. 
Through self-awareness I recognized how food affects not only my physical health but also my state of mind and relationships. I have learned to understand and re-frame my cravings, and create a more balanced well-being. 

It was through my interest of improving my own health that I discovered the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York City where and received my training.  IIN is the only nutrition school integrating all of the different dietary theories—combining the knowledge of traditional philosophies with modern concepts like the USDA food pyramid, the glycemic index, the Zone and raw foods. 

I lead workshops on nutrition, and offer group or individual health & nutrition coaching to those interested in improving their well-being and living their best life possible. It is an honor and gift to support people as they discover how to live best according to their unique type at a pace that feels comfortable to them. 

My Interests
I love to travel, experience new places and try new food. I enjoy cooking more and more and love to create quick, healthy, delicious meals for my family. I also love creating art, photography and spending time outside (when it is warm). 

My Philosophy
Change needs to happen
I believe in supporting our environment and organic farming not only for our health but for our world. I trust that we as Americans will soon realize that prevention is really the best medicine and quick fixes are not the solution. I know that by choosing better food and healthier lifestyles we can make a difference in the world. I am ready to make all this all a reality- are you? We can do it together!