Thursday, November 17, 2011

Being Thankful

I am now 38 weeks pregnant and starting to feel a bit like a stuffed turkey with all the fixings.... how apporpriate as Thanksgiving is just around the corner!

My back aches, my feet hurt, I am not sleeping well, my pants are tight, I have to pee every 5 seconds, and I can't seem to ever get comfortable. It easy to focus on all the things that I don't like right now, but in the spirit of THANKSgiving I have been trying to remind myself all I have to be thankful for instead of focusing on the negative.

Once you start having an attitude of gratitude, it is amazing how you can be happier and healthier.

Gratitude is the simple act of being grateful/ thankful, is more than just a feeling, and only works when you are actually truly feeling grateful for something.

When we express and feel gratitude, we can actually change our vibration and that is when we start attracting more of what we want in our lives.

Like attracts like, so what ever your feeling.... joy, anger, love, distress, or gratitude, we create an energetic force that will always attract circumstances that parallel how we are feeling.

It is not always easy to get to a place of feeling grateful, but in a world where the only thing we actually have control over is our thoughts... it is important that we try to chose the best possible thoughts at all times, and being grateful helps us be in the flow of accepting all the love and gifts the universe has to offer.

Sound Deep? It is, but it doesn't have to be complicated, or mean that you have to be in denial when things don't go the right way! Stop for a minute and think of some simple things you are grateful/ thankful for and notice how your mood, energy and vibration changes.

Even though I am feeling a bit uncomfortable, I am grateful for a healthy growing baby, and a big belly that provided a fun evening of painting and bonding with my 4 yr old son, Evan!

Happy Thanksgiving! What are you thankful for?

1 comment:

  1. Love the belly! Congratulations on your soon new arrival! I am thankful for my 5 healthy and happy grandsons. I am also grateful to be living a healthy lifestyle with exercise and non-processed foods...I think I will be detoxing the weekend after Thanksgiving - which is also right before I leave for 10 days in Cancun - I'll need it! :-)
