Monday, September 5, 2011

Move that body!

Exercise has always been a bit of a struggle for me, not becasue I don't like it, but becasue I often found excuses why not to go, I got bored with my routine, or I wasn't motivated to do anything by myself.

I know how important it is for our health to be physically active, I coach my clients on ways to get motivated and get into a regular routine, however I still find myself going through periods of time where I am doing a whole lot of nothing and having a hard time getting myself moving again. The last two weeks of August were just that for me, and I am working hard to get back into the exercise mode again.

For 8 weeks this summer (4 mornings a week) I was thrilled to be part of JourneyFit Bootcamp - an AMAZING group of gals (and two brave men) lead by an inspiring, talented and wonderful trainer, Allyson Neilson.
I was honored to be part of the group and each day share health, nutrition and wellness tips with the group as we circled up and cooled down after an great workout.
I was amazed how much I actually liked pushing myself to run a little further, try a little harder, and find my "strong" - esp. while being pregnant.
Here I am doing an incline pushup while 5 months pregnant. Before we started I could barely push myself up off the ground. -->

Working out felt fun (even though not always easy) for those two months becasue I loved being part of a group, and being lead by an teriffic coach. I was even motivated to keep going after bootcamp ended which felt awesome. Then life got busy, we had visitors, and I found myself not making time to exercise, and not feeling motivated to do much of anything by myself.

This past week I have made more of an effort, and feel better, but would like to do more especially as my belly continues to grow. Sometimes life gets hard, we get stressed, depressed, or tired, and it sometimes feels easier to let our healthy eating or exercise routine slip. I am here to admit I know first hand how that is.

Sooooo, as I get my butt back in gear there are a couple of things that I know will help me get back on track. These are things that over the years I have discovered about myself when it comes to exercise.

  1. I don't do well working out by myself, so I need a class or buddy to keep me going.
  2. There has to be a fun element to my workout or I get bored easily.
  3. It is helpful to have a set or scheduled time set aside ahead of time so I know what and when I will be exercising.
  4. With my current lifestyle I usually do better by getting my workout in sometime in the morning.

Do you struggle with exercise, or do you have a routine you love and keep up no matter what?

If you do struggle but feel ready to get back in the swing (like me) sit down and do the following:

  1. Find a buddy or class if you are like me and know you won't do much if left by yourself
  2. Figure out when you will exercise, and schedule it in your calendar.
  3. Start off easy and do things that don't overwhelm you especially if you are just starting out.
I'd love to hear from you - share your goals, successes, or workout tips below. I could use the inspiration and motivation too!

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