Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Go GREEN with a simple pizza & salad

Do you ever have an evening that you don't really feel like cooking, but still want a delicious healthy meal? Yes? 
Me too! 
I actually had just that type of evening tonight, and decided it was going to be pizza and salad night - something quick and easy and everyone will eat without complaints.
Pizza you say? Healthy? OK... here is how to make it healthier.... add lots of veggies, specifically GREEN veggies.  Tonight's toppings were what I had on hand ....broccoli, curly kale, and brussels sprouts, and they make a darn good pizza if I do say so myself. This is actually one of my favorite pizzas to make, and it is always a hit.... even with the old pepperoni and cheese lovers like my husband, father and brother. So if you are thinking no way... don't knock it until you try it.

For the crust I used a simple and very easy to make gluten free pizza dough mix from Bob's Red Mill, but you could certainly use a whole wheat crust if you prefer.
In my freezer I had some cubes of parsley/kale/basil pesto that I made this summer... perfect - sauce is green and already made. I added a little shredded mozzarella to stick it all together, but if you want to avoid dairy it could easily be skipped!
After chopping my 3 toppings, and spreading them over my pizza dough - I stuck it all in the oven for 15 min and presto- dinner is served! Easy Peasy!

Now on to the salad.... even easier..... ready for this.... (1) Mound a pile of mixed greens on a plate; (2) Add some clementine slices; (3) Cut open a pomegranate and sprinkle seeds on.  I had some sliced almonds so I added too. If you wanted to spruce it up more you could add some  goat cheese, or maybe some sauteed onions.

So there it is.... dinner was simple, didn't take long, or require much motivation or energy to prepare, and everyone gobbled it up. We even have leftovers for a quick green lunch tomorrow that will take no time to prepare!

Getting good food into your body doesn't have to be complicated, and it can taste good too! Wahooooo!

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