Thursday, December 16, 2010

Quick Tips for Healthier Holidays!

We are all tempted to indulge over the holiday season - there are sweets, treats and goodies all around. You don't have to be the person standing over the crudite platter and eating only carrot sticks and celery to be healthy this season, it is about making empowered choices, and the following tips are intended to help you with that.

1. Indulge in the foods you LOVE.... just make the portions smaller, and when you do eat, take time to savor each bite! Be thoughtful, and remember just because that morsel is small, one is plenty. Chew, chew, chew and make it last....

2. Drink up.... on water that is! Holiday drinks can be loaded with sugar and calories, so in between the 'eggnog latte' and pomegranate martini etc... be sure to drink lots of H2O. Dehydration is also a leading cause of cravings so keeping hydrated helps that "uncontrollable" hand reaching for another cookie.

3. Fill up... on healthier whole grains and veggies before going out to dinner or to the next holiday party. This makes it so much easier to enjoy in moderation because you won't be starving and gobbling up everything in sight.

4. Keep moving.... it is easy to throw it all out the window with so much going on, but keeping up your exercise routine is important even if it is as simple as going for a walk... exercise can really help keep you on track with what you are eating, and can help reduce holiday stress too.

5. Bring it... if you are not sure what type of food will be at a party - bring a healthier version of something that you know you will be happy to eat.

Wishing you a wonderful holiday season, celebrating love, life, friends, family and most importantly you! Feeling good comes from within, so remember to acknowledge your awesomeness too!

Happy Eating!

New Year, Time to ReNEW You!

Did you know that the average person gains 7-10 lbs from Thanksgiving through the New Year?  Yikes!
If you have over indulged over the holidays and want to get back on track then you have to join me for two FREE teleclasses  starting in January 2011!

First up:
When: Wednesday, Jan 5th 2011 - 7:30pm EST
Where: Where ever you are

Breaking the Holiday Sugar Addiction
One too many holiday sweets left you feeling fatigued, stressed and over all just not so great, but just can't seem to stop eating it? Well, I can guarantee you that you are not alone, and if you are ready to start the New Year off right by getting off the sugar roller coaster, and breaking free from your cravings, then you don't want to miss this class.
Find out why we crave sugar, and the effects that it has on our bodies. I will share fun, easy ways to shift the way you eat so you can minimize these cravings, and reNew yourself for a brand new year!

Next up:
When: Wednesday, Jan 12th 2011 - 7:30pm EST
Where: Where ever you are

Whole Body Reboot
It is January and your body is feeling sluggish and heavy, but it doesn't have to....
You can hit the reset button (just like on your computer), clean out your systems and start feeling vibrant and energized again right away. How - you ask?
Join me for this second free teleclass to learn simple, fast and easy ways to clear the holiday junk food out of your body, and start the new year off right.
We will chat about different cleanse diets, and figure out which one will be best for you.

If you have never done a teleclass before... no worries... they ROCK and are super easy. All you have to do is sign up and the details on how to call in to the class will be emailed to you and explain how to do it. The beauty of the teleclass is...

1. You can attend no matter where you are, so kick back with your fuzzy slippers!

2. All classes are recorded so no worries if you have to miss the live call... just by signing up you will automatically get the MP3 recording so you can listen on your own time.

SIGN UP NOW.... Just enter your name and email below, and check the box of the class(es) that you want. If you are already on my list.... then just send me an email at, and I will send you the details.

Don't delay, if you want help and motivation to meet your New Years Resolutions then do this for yourself. You have nothing to lose... these classes are FREE and my New Years gift to you!

* indicates required

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Go GREEN with a simple pizza & salad

Do you ever have an evening that you don't really feel like cooking, but still want a delicious healthy meal? Yes? 
Me too! 
I actually had just that type of evening tonight, and decided it was going to be pizza and salad night - something quick and easy and everyone will eat without complaints.
Pizza you say? Healthy? OK... here is how to make it healthier.... add lots of veggies, specifically GREEN veggies.  Tonight's toppings were what I had on hand ....broccoli, curly kale, and brussels sprouts, and they make a darn good pizza if I do say so myself. This is actually one of my favorite pizzas to make, and it is always a hit.... even with the old pepperoni and cheese lovers like my husband, father and brother. So if you are thinking no way... don't knock it until you try it.

For the crust I used a simple and very easy to make gluten free pizza dough mix from Bob's Red Mill, but you could certainly use a whole wheat crust if you prefer.
In my freezer I had some cubes of parsley/kale/basil pesto that I made this summer... perfect - sauce is green and already made. I added a little shredded mozzarella to stick it all together, but if you want to avoid dairy it could easily be skipped!
After chopping my 3 toppings, and spreading them over my pizza dough - I stuck it all in the oven for 15 min and presto- dinner is served! Easy Peasy!

Now on to the salad.... even easier..... ready for this.... (1) Mound a pile of mixed greens on a plate; (2) Add some clementine slices; (3) Cut open a pomegranate and sprinkle seeds on.  I had some sliced almonds so I added too. If you wanted to spruce it up more you could add some  goat cheese, or maybe some sauteed onions.

So there it is.... dinner was simple, didn't take long, or require much motivation or energy to prepare, and everyone gobbled it up. We even have leftovers for a quick green lunch tomorrow that will take no time to prepare!

Getting good food into your body doesn't have to be complicated, and it can taste good too! Wahooooo!