Friday, August 31, 2012

Adios Excuses

"Excuses are explanations for why things can't happen". ~Wayne Dyer

For the first few weeks in August I got a little relaxed with my exercise, and when I say relaxed I mean... I did nothing. I am not a big fitness fanatic, but I like to move my body, feel fit and healthy, and take care of myself.

During these few weeks I seemed to have many excuses of why I wasn't going out for a walk, run, or quick swim.

For instance:

"It is too hot outside"
"I am too tired because I was up all night with the baby"
"I don't have time"
"I don't have money to pay for classes"
"It is too hard to do anything with two kids"

and so on..... Have you ever been there?

When I don't do some form of movement I also notice that my food changes a bit... I get a little more relaxed on eating bits of dark chocolate (and when I say relaxed I mean eating it everyday), I forget to drink as much water as I need, a few more treats sneak into my mouth, and then I stop feeling as motivated in other areas like cooking meals and cleaning my house.

Finally, I remembered that those things (excuses) that I was telling myself didn't have to be my truth.

I COULD fit in exercise everyday, AND I could cook, AND get some cleaning done too.

As a matter of fact, this past week I have been more productive then I have all month, and all it took was shifting how I was thinking.

Last Monday we (my 5 yr old and I) laced up our sneakers and went out for a jog with the dog, and baby boy in the stroller. It was a little chaotic, but we got it done, and I felt better.

I actually felt so much better that it made it easier to go the next day, and when it was pouring the other day.... we went in the rain. It is just water after all, and warm summer rain is so delightful. We felt refreshed and revived.

What shifted my change?
I wasn't feeling good in my body, I was feeling bogged down, and frustrated.

I got tired of trying to explain to myself why I couldn't get it done,  so I changed my thinking to figure out how I was going to get it done, and then I didn't need all the excuses.

I even cleaned a little, and was really happy to clear off our kitchen table. A clean table may be common for some of you, but honestly ours  often ends up as a catch all and piled up with mail, keys, papers, sunglasses etc...

Changing habits and beliefs in ourselves is not easy, sometimes they are so deep in us that it takes a lot of effort so don't be afraid to ask for help to get there.

We all need support, love and encouragement.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Healthier Milkshake

I love chocolate. 
I love frozen drinks/ smoothies.
I love "treats".
I love eating things that are good for me.

That is why I came up with a dessert smoothie that was made with healthier ingredients that I could feel good about because on hot summer days sometimes it feels like you could eat ice cream everyday. It is nice to have a healthy substitute that satisfies. This recipe was a hit with my husband and 4 year old too!

Chocolate Milkshake

2 tbsp cacao powder
2-3 pitted dates
1/2 cup cashews
1 cup almond milk (could use coconut, hemp or rice milk too)
1 banana
2-3 frozen strawberries or a few cubes of ice if you want it cold.

Put it all in the blender, blend,  and enjoy!

You could also leave out the cacao, and add more strawberries for a strawberry shake.

I am having fun looking for and testing out healthier summer recipes for my FREE Summer Lovin' Recharge Program. Check it out and join us!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Summer Lovin' Recharge Program

Need Some Summer Lovin'?

FREE Program

Virtual- Take part wherever you are

Dates: July 9th-July 23rd

For all you busy moms/ women that need a little mid summer love.

Sign Up Here for the FREE 14 Day Program!!!

Oh and I do LOVE summer. 

Ahhhhhh.... sun kissed skin, bare toes in the grass and sand, days at the beach, swimming, camping, longer days, and warmer nights. I love it all, and in my summer fantasy each year I picture myself lounging in the sun, reading lots of books, gardening, and strolling through the farmers market to get fresh foods each day for wonderful healthy meals that I sit and enjoy each evening on my deck as the sun sets over the water.

What is really happening.....

I am growing weeds in my garden beds, I haven’t read a book in what seems like years, my skin is far from sun kissed because I am stuck inside or in the shade with a napping baby. Trips to the farmers market include fussing and whining, and my dinner plans end up being the same thing each week because I am lacking motivation, inspiration, and time.

Learning to balance being a mom of two has not been easy. I don’t sleep much, and there has been afternoons that I have caved and given in to my sweet tooth. For me, being exhausted and taking care of everyone else often leaves me depleted, and the bar of chocolate, bit of ice cream, or glass of wine provides a mini escape and 10 min of feeling like I am being spoiled. The problem is I end up feeling worse.
If this surprises you- remember I am human, and believe it or not I am not perfect, and I certainly don’t eat kale, steamed brown rice and tofu all day (as a matter of fact I don’t really like tofu much at all).

Here is what I have learned:

When I eat better, I feel better.

When I feel better, I have more fun.

When I have more fun, I get inspired.

When I am inspired, I create healthier meals with ease.

When I create healthier meals, I  feel confident, and am motivated to do more.

When I am motivated to do more, look out anything is possible.

Wanna join me for this fun two week program? Do that here!

Get back on track this summer.
Feel great. 
Have more fun.
Cook easy, delicious summer meals that the whole family will love.

This program is NOT:
  • About giving things up.
  • Following any strict diet.
  • Feeling deprived.
This Program IS about: 
  • Being inspired.
  • Making and eating delicious healthy summer recipes.
  • Loving yourself up a little more during your crazy summer schedules.
* For two weeks we will come together to create or kick start new healthy habits.
* We will carve out time for self care, and recharge our mind, body & spirit.
* You will receive ideas, inspiration and healthy summer recipes each weekday.
* You will also be included in an online Facebook group where you will get 24/7 support not only from me, but from an awesome group of ladies just like you.

Sign up here! 

Invite your any of your friends.

Together we give ourselves a little summer lovin’ recharge.

If you are already on my list all you have to do is click the "update my profile link" after entering your info and you will be sent and email so you can update your preferences and choose to join the Summer Lovin' Recharge. Easy peasy!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Yummy Thai Soup

I am always experimenting and trying new recipes, or trying to make recipes a little more healthy. I got this basic recipe from a friend, and just adapted it a little by adding more veggies, and making it a bit more substantial with quinoa.

When I serve soup for dinner at my house, it needs to be hearty so my husband feels satisfied. This one did just the trick while still tasting light and fresh!

I am not a master recipe maker... a lot of my cooking is adding a little of this and that, gaining inspiration from 3-4 recipes and combining bits and pieces from each of them. I also don't always measure perfectly either, so you'll notice ingredients will call for "roughly", and "about" on some things.... that is just the way I roll.
Please forgive me for not having it perfect, but I think you should find that the info below should make you a yummy, healthy thai soup!

BONUS: it was cleanse friendly

Olive oil/ Coconut oil -about 2 tbsp
Sesame oil - roughly -1 tbsp
Onion - 1 med sized, sliced
Garlic- 2-3 cloves
Sea Salt - 1 tsp or to taste
Ginger - 2 tbsp grated
Crushed red pepper - 1 tsp
Coriander - 1 tsp ground
Cumin - 1 tsp ground
Chicken/ Shrimp (or none) - about 1/2 lbs- I prefer small Maine shrimp, chicken should be cut into strips
Water - 2-3 cups
Coconut milk - about 1.5 cans
Fish Sauce - 3 tbsp
Bok Choy - 3-4 stems chopped thin
Cilantro - about 1/2 cup chopped
Kale - 1 cup chopped thin
Sprouted mung beans - 1/2 cup
Snap Peas- about a cup
Carrot - 1 -2 sliced thin
Lime juice - 1 tbsp
Red curry paste - 1 tsp
Quinoa- 1/2 cup

Could also add lemongrass, and chopped tomatoes, and if you don't have all the above veggies, it still would taste great.

Heat olive or coconut oil in soup pot, add sliced onion, garlic, carrot and salt; saute until translucent. Add ginger, red pepper, coriander, cumin- cook for a few minutes then add chicken strips (if adding meat) and cook until the outside turns white.

Rinse quinoa in mesh strainer.

Add water & coconut milk, and bring to a boil then add rinsed quinoa, reduce heat, and simmer for about 15 min. Next add  bok choy, kale, snap peas, lime juice, fish sauce, sesame oil, shrimp (if using), and red curry paste. Continue to simmer for another 5-10 min. Before serving add chopped cilantro and mung bean sprouts (save some for garnish if you like and serve on top of each bowl).

This make about 6 servings at my house.

If you make it comment below and let me know how you enjoyed it!