Friday, August 31, 2012

Adios Excuses

"Excuses are explanations for why things can't happen". ~Wayne Dyer

For the first few weeks in August I got a little relaxed with my exercise, and when I say relaxed I mean... I did nothing. I am not a big fitness fanatic, but I like to move my body, feel fit and healthy, and take care of myself.

During these few weeks I seemed to have many excuses of why I wasn't going out for a walk, run, or quick swim.

For instance:

"It is too hot outside"
"I am too tired because I was up all night with the baby"
"I don't have time"
"I don't have money to pay for classes"
"It is too hard to do anything with two kids"

and so on..... Have you ever been there?

When I don't do some form of movement I also notice that my food changes a bit... I get a little more relaxed on eating bits of dark chocolate (and when I say relaxed I mean eating it everyday), I forget to drink as much water as I need, a few more treats sneak into my mouth, and then I stop feeling as motivated in other areas like cooking meals and cleaning my house.

Finally, I remembered that those things (excuses) that I was telling myself didn't have to be my truth.

I COULD fit in exercise everyday, AND I could cook, AND get some cleaning done too.

As a matter of fact, this past week I have been more productive then I have all month, and all it took was shifting how I was thinking.

Last Monday we (my 5 yr old and I) laced up our sneakers and went out for a jog with the dog, and baby boy in the stroller. It was a little chaotic, but we got it done, and I felt better.

I actually felt so much better that it made it easier to go the next day, and when it was pouring the other day.... we went in the rain. It is just water after all, and warm summer rain is so delightful. We felt refreshed and revived.

What shifted my change?
I wasn't feeling good in my body, I was feeling bogged down, and frustrated.

I got tired of trying to explain to myself why I couldn't get it done,  so I changed my thinking to figure out how I was going to get it done, and then I didn't need all the excuses.

I even cleaned a little, and was really happy to clear off our kitchen table. A clean table may be common for some of you, but honestly ours  often ends up as a catch all and piled up with mail, keys, papers, sunglasses etc...

Changing habits and beliefs in ourselves is not easy, sometimes they are so deep in us that it takes a lot of effort so don't be afraid to ask for help to get there.

We all need support, love and encouragement.