Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Great things to grow, green thumb not needed!

Do you garden? What do you like to grow? Even if you have never grown anything before there are some super simple things you can grow even if you don't have a yard, AND it really is not too late to get started.

MMM... fresh basil -
this was from my little garden last year!
You don't have to have a yard to plant a garden. Planting in a container on your deck, or even small pots on your window sill is great. 
I have never considered myself a "green thumb" but I learn a little more each year and there are a few things that I have pretty much always been able to successfully grow by just remembering to water, so if I can do it.... anyone can!

Here are my favorite's and great to grow in any garden:

Sun Gold Tomato
As I mentioned before... these sweet, juicy orange tomatoes arethe perfect addition to salad, homemade salsa, bruscetta, or eaten on their own right off the vine. You can pick up a plant already started at a local nursery and plant somewhere sunny and remember to water. Getting a tomato cage to keep the plant supported helps to keep it off the ground. They even have those handy upside down tomato planting pots that you can hang and the tomato plant grows down.


Here is something that you can buy a seed packet off and sprinkle into your potting soil or garden very easily and pretty quickly have lettuce... mixed greens, romaine, butter leaf... so delish in a summer salad.


Basil, parsley, cilantro, rosemary, and mint are all wonderful things to have on hand to liven up and meal or even drink. They are easy to plant (especially great if you are container gardening) and for the most part easy to care for. Watch out for mint though... once you plant that in the ground... look out every year it will keep coming back and filling in everywhere. I actually have this problem as the original owners of our house planted mint and every year I am pulling gobbs of it out and giving it away. 

Edible Flowers
How fun is it to toss some flowers in your salad, or pretty up your plate with flowers that you can actually eat! Nastiriums are pretty in the garden and great to add to any meal as decoration or for flavor with a bit of a peppery taste.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Drink up, stay hydrated!

We need water. Our bodies are made of about 70% water and all of our systems and vital organs require it to function.  Water carries nutrients to all of our cells, flushes toxins from our kidneys, removes waste from our bowels, aids in our digestion, regulates our temperature, and lubricates our joints.

Not getting enough water can cause headaches, constipation, dry skin, fatigue, and even water retention because your body will hold the little it is getting.

So why are most Americans not drinking enough?
Well, first off our brains can’t decipher if we are hungry or thirsty, so when our body it telling us to drink water we might misinterpret that message and snack on something instead. Usually if we start to feel thirsty then our body is most likely already dehydrated, so don’t wait until that point to get a glass of water instead try to continually drink water so you don’t get to that point and start feeling the false hunger pains.

What are benefits of drinking water?

1. Loose Weight:  Drinking water can help you loose weight by crowding out the consumption of other fluids like juice and soda that are packed with sugar and calories, it flushes the system of toxins and waste including fat, prevents you from over eating, aids in digestion and keeps your metabolism going.
2. Look Younger: Water hydrates, revitalizes, and detoxifies your skin and helps to keep wrinkles away and keeping its elasticity. It also lubricates your joints and tissues keeping your body limber.
3. Helps you Concentrate: The brain is mostly water, so making sure you are getting enough keeps your brain functioning so you feel sharp and alert not foggy or weary.
4. Fresh Breath: Dry mouths are breeding grounds for bad bacteria that cause bad breath, so drinking a glass of water can keep your mouth moist and breath sweet.

How to stay hydrated? 

1. Drink a full glass of water when you first wake up in the morning. This will help get your blood flowing and set the intention for the day to keep drinking water.

2. Carry water with you…. If you have it with you then you are more likely to drink it. Use a safe re-usable water bottle and refill it with filtered or spring water.

3. Don’t wait till you are thirsty to drink water

4. Drink a glass of water a half hour before and after meals

5. Replace other beverages like soda, juice, tea and coffee with a glass of water.

6. Drink extra water before, during and after exercise especially on a hot day or when sweating a lot.

How much should you drink? 

There are different theories but according to Dr. Batmanghelidj who wrote the book ‘Your Body’s Many Cries For Water’, you should take your body weight in pounds, divide it in half and drink that amount in ounces everyday. (For instance if you weigh 150lbs then you should drink 75oz of water each day.)  Dr. B also notes that you should make sure to balance your sodium intake with your water consumption and take ¼ tsp salt for every 4-5 glasses of water. Be sure to get the best of course… Celtic Sea Salt or Himalayan Salt are the best and available at health food stores. (note: healthy salt is usually not white)

Is all water created equal?

The best water to drink is pure, natural, clean spring water full of natural minerals, but you can also buy a high quality filtration system that removes chlorine and harmful pollutants and chemicals found in tap water.
You may also want think twice about bottled water because 1. toxins leach from the plastic bottles 2. it is often only purified municipal water that you are buying, and 3. the resources used to purify, bottle and ship water is wasteful when you can get it from a pure source to begin with.

Plain water sound boring to you?

Mix it up a little... fill a pitcher and add... lemon, lime or orange slices, fresh mint, cucumber, or one herbal tea bag.

Some of my favorites are:

  • Fresh mint (already coming up in my garden) and lime
  • Lemon and a little cinnamon 
  • Lemon and a few drops of stevia
  • Pressed ginger, lemon and a little stevia
  • Frozen berries or pineapple chunks
  • Lemon and a little edible lavender

Be cautious of flavored, enriched or infused water… some are packed with high fructose corn syrup or other sugar and high in calories.

Have fun…make it festive by sipping it out of a wine glass with a little ice instead of an evening cocktail… it doesn’t have to be boring!

If you don’t have one already I recommend buying an eco-friendly reusable water bottle and a good filtration system, help save the earth and drink up.