Monday, April 11, 2011

Spring Cleaning, it's not just for your floors!

I'll admit it - I save too much stuff. I have been one of those people that accumulates, saves and holds on to stuff even if it doesn't serve me on a daily basis becasue it holds a fond memory, or think that I might someday need it and it will come in handy some day down the road. The problem with holding on to "stuff" is the more you hold on the more you are cluttering up your space and preventing new things from entering.

Last spring my we finally went through a lot of our old stuff and things in storage and had a big yard sale.  I wish I had a video of my husband and I going through things to put in our sale becasue it ended up being a comedy act watching me hold on to stuff. I was actually reluctant to give up my collection of music tapes and VHS videos even though I no longer had a tape player or a VCR to listen or watch them on. The truth is over the last year I haven't once wished I still owned them, and now happy to think that somebody else might have got some joy from watching some of my favorite movies or evening listening to an old tape. It felt great to let go and clear out some things from my past that were not serving me, and made room for new things that I actually do use.  It is amazing how tight we can hold on to something

Do you hold on to things? 
Are you feeling stuck or stagnant? 
Are you ready for to renew yourself?
Yes? You just might be ready from some spring cleaning!

Spring cleaning our homes is a common theme this time of year, and even though it is sometimes hard work the feeling at the end is worth the little bit of effort for a short period of time. The energy shifts and we too feel lighter when we clear out the stuff that is weighing us down emotionally or visually (the piles of stuff we have been looking at all winter).

Just as the stuff around our homes can accumulate and start to clutter our space, the food we eat also accumulates in our bodies causing us to feel sluggish, tired, and heavy, AND just as we need to clear out our homes we also need to clear out our bodies. Spring is the perfect time to clear out the accumulated food waste and weight that have built over the winter and to a cleanse. I recommend a simple whole foods cleanse program, but there are many other types of protocols to choose from... like a raw foods, or juice cleanse, or even a liquid fast. They are all meant to clear out waste, improve your digestion,  and have other great benefits like improved energy, clearer skin, weight loss, ditching cravings, and jump starting a healthy new way of eating.
Like the house cleaning, a cleanse is a short lived period of time where you put in a little effort and get a lot in return.

I encourage you to take part in cleaning not only your home this spring, but also your body and mind too - even better do all three! Renew yourself - you deserve it!