Saturday, November 20, 2010

Colds & Flu: Fight Back Naturally

Alright, cold and flu season is upon us. I feel fortunate (knock on wood) that I haven't really been sick in a couple years... just the minor cough and stuffed up nose. The key for me is that when my body starts to send me signals (minor as they may be), I listen and start doing everything I can to boost my immune system so that my down time is short lived.
Want to know what I do? 
Well then, you've got are my top ways to fight the cold and flu season naturally. ALL the items on this list are things I use, and also give to my 3 year old son who currently has a bit of a cold, but trooping through and still acting energized.
Not only are these things helping his body fight off the invading virus, they are also helping to make his developing immune system even stronger.

This list is in no particular order of importance

1. Rest your body, because it does its best immune fighting when you are resting and it can focus on making you better.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar helps to cut mucus and fight bacteria. Try a tablespoon a day (can mix with water). I like Sewall’s organic made here in Lincolnville Maine by our wonderful friends Bob and Mia. They believe in the benefits of live raw cultures and do not pasteurize so you get the health benefits. If you are not local you could try Bragg’s organic… it is also unpasteurized.

3. Vitamin C helps protect our immune systems and fight of illnesses, and since our bodies don’t naturally make it we need to ingest it.

4. Elderberry helps fight congestion, boost immunity, and help keep cells strong so that viruses can’t infect them.

5. Greens (glorious greens) are loaded with vitamin c & k, which help keep our immune systems strong, so load up on your green leafy veggies like kale, collards, spinach, and arugula.

6. Water helps to flush your body of waste and toxins, and the more water you drink the less coffee, soda or other body depleting beverages you will be consuming.

7. Avoid dairy because it can create mucus, so skip the milk and cheese.

8. Cut out/back on refined sugar, flour, and alcohol because they all suppress our immunity, and create an overall nutrient deficiency in our bodies.

9. Essential oils are some of the oldest medicines and certified therapeutic-grade* oils are great to use topically, diffuse or add to a hot bath or shower.
*Make sure you are not using perfume grade, which can be toxic and filled with synthetic fillers… you want to buy 100% pure oil, as that is what is actually healing. Buy from a reputable source. I use Young Living Essential Oils.

10. Saline nose spray or a neti pot reduces congestion and clears out your nasal passages getting rid of mucus and relieving nasal dryness by irrigating your nose.

11. Silver Biotics is a wonderful all natural safe product that negates the harmful effects of viruses and bacteria. Silver Biotics has also enhances and is proven to support your immune system.

12. Drinking broth is a great way to get nourished when you don’t feel like eating much. Try making a veggie or chicken broth with lots of healing veggies like garlic and greens.

13. Garlic helps treat colds and coughs because they are full of necessary vitamins and minerals we need to keep our bodies strong.

14. Echinacea / Goldenseal help to stimulate your immune system and when used at the onset of a cold or flu can be very effective.

15. Zinc helps to produce white blood cells which fight infection and important to our immune fighting power

16. Ginger helps to prevent viral growth and great for nausea, but skip the sugary ginger ale and brew yourself a cup of hot ginger tea, or just had some fresh ginger to some hot water with raw honey.

17. Vitamin D is probably one of the most potent immune system stimulants . It is especially important for kids becasue their immune systems are less mature, and for those of us living in the colder climates where sunshine exposure is limited in the winter.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Fall in LOVE with Fall Food

Now is the time to love the rich colored  fruits and vegetables that are packed with nutrients and taste great. There are a lot of great fall foods, here are a few that will benefit your health by eating.

We have all heard the old saying "an apple a day keeps the doctor away", but why? Apples are anti-inflammatory, and have lots of antioxidants which help build your body's immunity AND fight off infections that are common this time of year.

Rich in beta-carotene, and vitamin C, and you guessed it.... antioxidants! Pumpkins are good for a lot more then carving spooky faces, and don't forget the seeds... such a great snack when roasted and a great source of zinc! 

This dark leafy green keeps on growing right into the fall, and this leafy green is great for boosting immunity, clearing out congestion,  and curbing cravings. 

Another great anti-inflammatory vegetable with lots of antioxidants that has cholesterol lowering, and cancer prevention benefits.

With so many varieties you are bound to find a few that you love... butternut, acorn, spaghetti... are just a few! The varieties and ways to use them are almost as endless as the health benefits. They are a great source of vitamins A & C, beta-carotene, fiber!